About LDDK

The LDDK is the largest association of employers’ organisations that represents employers in Latvia.

LDDK members employ 44% of Latvia’s employees.

The LDDK was established in 1993.

The LDDK together with the Free Trade Union Confederation of Latvia is a social partner to the government of the Republic of Latvia.

The LDDK brings together and represents:

  • 96 sector leaders – companies which employ more than 50 employees;
  • 61 sector-based and regional business associations and federations.


To establish an environment that supports entrepreneurship in Latvia, facilitating the competitiveness of companies and representing employers in the framework of social dialogue at the national, European Union and international level.


Our vision is that by 2027, the LDDK will represent companies which employ more than 50% of employees in Latvia, and that the LDDK will have achieved stable support from the government for the development of entrepreneurship in Latvia, and for the competitiveness of Latvian companies in Europe, and the rest of the world.


  • Leadership
  • Consolidation
  • Competence
  • Responsibility
  • Honesty
  • Openness
  • Co-operation


  1. Ensuring the preparation of policies that support entrepreneurship and the competitiveness of companies so as to ensure the sustainable development of the Latvian economy
  2. Facilitating socio-economic conditions that are in line with the interests of Latvian employers, and to facilitate socially responsible entrepreneurship
  3. Preserving and increasing the influence of employers in the drafting of policies



PRIORITIES 2022/2023

  1. Availability of healthy, skilled and socially protected labor force
  2. Sustainability, competitiveness and reputation of employers
  3. Sustainable investment for economic recovery, resilience and growth
  4. Structural reforms
  5. Tripartite and bipartite social dialogue